package CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache;
use strict;
use CFGXML::Parser; Make CFGXML::Parser available to this module
@CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache::ISA = qw(CFGXML::Parser);
Define CFGXML::Parser as the parent module of this module
#NOTE: This parser is for apache *style* files (syntax), NOT for
# configuration files for apache. It should be subclassed to add
# support for Apache, Proftp, and friends.
sub init Set CFGXML::Parser's options in this function
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::init(); Call init function of CFGXML::Parser
$self->{ROOTTAG} = 'apache-style';Set the tag of the root XML element to "apache-style"
$self->{RIGHTCOMMENTALLOWED} = 1;By default, right comments are allowed in apache-style
$self->{CLOSECOMMENTALLOWED} = 1;By default, close comments are allowed as well
sub loadThis function converts the config file to XML
my $self = shift;
my $value;
my $rightComment;
my $comment;
my $prop;
my $curSec;
my $whitespace;
my @toks;
foreach (@{$self->{_CONTENTS}})Iterate through each line of the config file
if (/^(\s*)<([^\/].*)>(\s*#.*)?/)This matches the beginning of a section, such as <VirtualHost>
section start encountered
$rightComment = $3;
$whitespace = $1;
@toks = $self->tokenize($2);Splits the value(s) found at non-quoted whitespace
my $secName = shift @toks;The first value is always the name of the section
$curSec = $self->enterSection($secName);Create a new section named $secName and make it the current section
$self->addValueArray($curSec, @toks);Add a new value tag for each item in the @toks array
add rightcomment & comment if allowed
$curSec->addRightComment($rightComment);If $rightComment is empty, this function will ignore it
die "Right comments are not allowed in this file format";
$curSec->addComment($comment);Again, no need to check that $comment isn't empty, this is done for you
$comment = '';
elsif (/^\s*<\/(.*)>(\s*#.*)?/)
section end encountered, append any endcomment & leave it
my $closecom = $2;
$comment = '';
$self->leaveSection($1);Check if $1 is the name of the current section & make its parent the current section
elsif (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/)
$comment .= $_;
elsif (/^(\s*)(\S.*)/)
directive encountered
$whitespace = $1;
@toks = $self->tokenize($2);
tokenize the part of the line after the whitespace
my $propName = shift @toks;
my $curProp = $self->newProperty($self->getCurSection, $propName);Create a new property named $propName as a child of the current section
add value tags for each parameter of the directive
if ($#toks >= 0)
#last token might be the right comment
if ($self->isComment($toks[$#toks]))The last token may be a right comment
my $rc = pop @toks;
$self->addValueArray($curProp, @toks);
$comment = '';
elseThis matches any other config line that isn't formatted properly
die $_ . ' is not a recognized config line';
$self->get{_XMLROOT}->addEndComment($comment);Add any remaining comments to the root XML element
sub saveThis function converts the XML back into the config file
my $self = shift;
#unparse XML back into config file
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $self->{_XMLROOT}->getEndCommentString;
sub saveSectionsAndPropertiesA recursive function which converts each section and its children
my $self = shift;
my $node = shift;
my $sectsprops = $self->getSectionsAndProperties($node);
$self->resetDirectiveRun();Directive runs should not continue info a new section
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sectsprops->size(); $i++)
my $item = $sectsprops->get($i);Retrieve item $i from the config4gnu::CfgObjectVector
if ($self->isSection($item))
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCommentString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= '<' . $item->getName;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getValueString . '>';
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getRightCommentString . "\n";
$self->saveSectionsAndProperties($item);Recursively call this function to display children who are sections
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getEndCommentString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= '</' . $item->getName . '>';
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCloseCommentString . "\n";Display closing tag and end/close comments of the section
elseDisplay the property
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCommentString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getName;
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $self->makeColumnValueString($sectsprops, $i);Automatically detect directive runs and format values into columns as needed
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getRightCommentString . "\n";
1;Perl modules must return 1 when run