Configuration 4 GNU (CFG)

Property Definitions

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A property element identifies an element or attribute that can exist inside an object. All property definitions have a number of properties:

  • owner type - is the type of object this property can exist in

  • tagname - is the identification of the property. The tagname is the name of the element when the property is represented as an element or the name of the attribute with a @-sign prefix when represented as an attribute.

  • name - this is the human-readable name of the property. Names can be supplied for every language supported.

  • description - is a human-readable description of the property.

  • type - is the type of the property (not to be confused with the type of object that contains this property)

  • minOccurs - defines the minimum number of times this property must occur for the containing object to be valid, e.g. 0 or 1.

  • maxOccurs - defines the maximum number of times this property is allowed to occur. Use unbounded if there is no limit.

Do not explicitly specify the owner type in the property definition; this is implied by which type definition it occurs in.

The tagname is specified using the name attribute of the property element.

Other properties identified using attributes of the property element are minOccurs, maxOccurs, and type.

Any properties that can be translated to multiple languages must be defined using elements. This way, we can use the xml:lang attribute to identify the target language.

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