Configuration 4 GNU (CFG)

An Example Parser

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This is an example of a parser which uses many of the functions available in the Perl modules to load and save apache-style configuration files (such as those used by Apache and ProFTP). It would then be extended in specific parsers for Apache, ProFTP,and others by setting options in the init functions of parsers which extend it. These settings should be sufficient to handle all aspects of both files. If they are not, then this parser may be modified to be more flexible (to avoid copying and pasting of the entire parser to modify a few lines).

Example 2. The Common::Apache Parser
package CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache;
use strict;
use CFGXML::Parser; 
Make CFGXML::Parser available to this module
@CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache::ISA = qw(CFGXML::Parser);
Define CFGXML::Parser as the parent module of this module
#NOTE: This parser is for apache *style* files (syntax), NOT for # configuration files for apache. It should be subclassed to add # support for Apache, Proftp, and friends. sub init
Set CFGXML::Parser's options in this function
{ my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::init();
Call init function of CFGXML::Parser
$self->{ROOTTAG} = 'apache-style';
Set the tag of the root XML element to "apache-style"
By default, right comments are allowed in apache-style
By default, close comments are allowed as well
} sub load
This function converts the config file to XML
{ my $self = shift; my $value; my $rightComment; my $comment; my $prop; my $curSec; my $whitespace; my @toks; foreach (@{$self->{_CONTENTS}})
Iterate through each line of the config file
{ if (/^(\s*)<([^\/].*)>(\s*#.*)?/)
This matches the beginning of a section, such as <VirtualHost>
section start encountered
$rightComment = $3; $whitespace = $1; @toks = $self->tokenize($2);
Splits the value(s) found at non-quoted whitespace
my $secName = shift @toks;
The first value is always the name of the section
$curSec = $self->enterSection($secName);
Create a new section named $secName and make it the current section
$self->addValueArray($curSec, @toks);
Add a new value tag for each item in the @toks array
add rightcomment & comment if allowed
if ($self->{RIGHTCOMMENTALLOWED}) { $curSec->addRightComment($rightComment);
If $rightComment is empty, this function will ignore it
} else { die "Right comments are not allowed in this file format"; } $curSec->addComment($comment);
Again, no need to check that $comment isn't empty, this is done for you
$comment = ''; $curSec->addWhitespace($whitespace); } elsif (/^\s*<\/(.*)>(\s*#.*)?/) {
section end encountered, append any endcomment & leave it
my $closecom = $2; $self->getCurSection->addCloseComment($closecom); $self->getCurSection->addEndComment($comment); $comment = ''; $self->leaveSection($1);
Check if $1 is the name of the current section & make its parent the current section
} elsif (/^\s*#/ || /^\s*$/) { $comment .= $_; } elsif (/^(\s*)(\S.*)/) {
directive encountered
$whitespace = $1; @toks = $self->tokenize($2);
tokenize the part of the line after the whitespace
my $propName = shift @toks; my $curProp = $self->newProperty($self->getCurSection, $propName);
Create a new property named $propName as a child of the current section
add value tags for each parameter of the directive
if ($#toks >= 0) { #last token might be the right comment if ($self->isComment($toks[$#toks]))
The last token may be a right comment
{ my $rc = pop @toks; $curProp->addRightComment($rc); } $self->addValueArray($curProp, @toks); } $curProp->addComment($comment); $comment = ''; $curProp->addWhitespace($whitespace); } else
This matches any other config line that isn't formatted properly
{ die $_ . ' is not a recognized config line'; } } $self->get{_XMLROOT}->addEndComment($comment);
Add any remaining comments to the root XML element
} sub save
This function converts the XML back into the config file
{ my $self = shift; #unparse XML back into config file $self->saveSectionsAndProperties($self->{_XMLROOT}); $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $self->{_XMLROOT}->getEndCommentString; } sub saveSectionsAndProperties
A recursive function which converts each section and its children
{ my $self = shift; my $node = shift; my $sectsprops = $self->getSectionsAndProperties($node); $self->resetDirectiveRun();
Directive runs should not continue info a new section
for (my $i = 0; $i < $sectsprops->size(); $i++) { my $item = $sectsprops->get($i);
Retrieve item $i from the config4gnu::CfgObjectVector
if ($self->isSection($item)) { $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCommentString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= '<' . $item->getName; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getValueString . '>'; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getRightCommentString . "\n"; $self->saveSectionsAndProperties($item);
Recursively call this function to display children who are sections
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getEndCommentString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= '</' . $item->getName . '>'; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCloseCommentString . "\n";
Display closing tag and end/close comments of the section
} else
Display the property
{ $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getCommentString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getWhitespaceString; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getName; $self->{_OUTPUT} .= $self->makeColumnValueString($sectsprops, $i);
Automatically detect directive runs and format values into columns as needed
$self->{_OUTPUT} .= $item->getRightCommentString . "\n"; } } } 1;
Perl modules must return 1 when run

An example subclass

This is an example of a parser which subclasses Common::Apache to parser files specific to a fictitious application, BobServer. BobServer is a webserver which displays directly listings using Color1 for text and Color2 for background. BobServer's configuration includes one main section, BobServer, and any number of possibly nested directory Dir sections. Color settings are inherited from the parent directory unless explicitly set to something different. Allowed directives are HostName, PortNumber, Color1 and Color2, and the only allowed section is BobDir. Close comments are not allowed, but end comments are.

Example 3. The BobServer Parser
package CFGXML::Parser::App::Fictitious::BobServer;
use strict;
use CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache; 
Make CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache available to this module
@CFGXML::Parser::App::Fictitious::BobServer::ISA = qw(CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache);
Define CFGXML::Parser::Common::Apache as the parent module of this module
sub init
Set options specific to BobServer in this function
{ my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::init();
Call init function of parent class
$self->{ROOTTAG} = 'bobserver-config';
Set the tag of the root XML element to something unique to this parser
By default, close comments not allowed as they normally are in Common::Apache
$self->>{PROPERTYRULES} = { Color1 => ['Colro1'], Color2 => ['Colro2'] };
Since Bob often mistypes the word Color, he has made the Colro1 directive synonymous with Color1, and Colro2 synonymous with Color2. It is important that synonyms be listed in PROPERTYRULES so that they are treated as the same setting in other layers of CFG
} 1;
Perl modules must return 1 when run

With these few minor option changes, the generic Common::Apache parser for apache-style config files can be used for BobServer's configuration.

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