Configuration 4 GNU (CFG)

CFG Bottom Layer

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The bottom layer handles actual manipulation of the real configuration data. The parsers & unparsers read data on standard in and write on standard out, so they need not know the actual path to the source or destination. This allows the middle layer the possibility to transparently handle remote configuration editing without the parsers needing to know.


There are two types of parsers: primary parsers and secondary parsers. Primary parsers do a direct translation between one native configuration file to an equivalent XML representation. Secondary parsers operate a level above primary parsers, using knowledge about a specific distribution to pull information from one or more configuration files to create an XML representation that is not distribution-specific.

Primary Parsers

Primary parsers do a simple translation from a native configuration file format to an equivalent XML representation. It may tailor the XML output to the specific application it is working for, and it may apply knowledge of what data types are allowed where, but the structure of the XML representation is equivalent to the native file and all information in the native file is represented in the XML representation (including whitespace and comments).

Secondary Parsers

Secondary parsers, which really should not be called parsers at all, are used to work with an XML representation of idea of configuration, not a specific configuration file. An example of this might be an XML representation of network settings, which might pull information from /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf and several distribution specific files that tell how the network interfaces are setup.

Perhaps a better example is an XML representation of all shares that are exported on a computer. It would include shares provided by NFS, Samba, anonymous FTP, and a web server. Needless to say, there is no single configuration file that can provide this information. When the user asks for this XML representation, information would need to be pulled from at least four different configuration files.

Writing Parsers

The parsers are written in Perl and all (un)parsers are implemented by extending the CFGXML::Parser module, which provides basic parsing functions. Parsers can further be extended by adding rewrite rules and changing other minor behavior without having to re-write a new parser from scratch. For example, the Samba parser extends the Ini parser by adding various rewrite rules specific to Samba configuration.

The parsers are written in Perl (as opposed to C/C++) because this allows new Perl modules to easily be dropped in as part of the install of another package. For example, if Apache was not natively supported by CFG (an unlikely case), the Apache maintainers could include a Perl module which extended the CFGXML::Parser module. This allows instant support for new applications.


Parsers must be carefully written to make extending possible. For example, the delimited file parser is defined to use the $self->{DELIMITER} variable, which can be redefined in new modules in init(). In cases where an existing parser is not sufficiently flexible, it should be re-written to become more flexible while maintaining its default behavior. Modified behavior can then be achieved by setting additional variables in init() in a new module which extends the enhanced one.

To add support for an additional file format, first create a parser for the generic file format. Then, extend that parser by setting more specific options. For example, you can create an Apache-style format parser, then extend it to support Apache files. This is desirable because then someone else can easily extend your Apache-style parser to support Proftpd files, since its basic format is extremely similar.

Rewriting tags

The CFGXML::Parser module supports the use of rewrite rules. They can be used by setting several variables which are clarified in src/parsers/README. Parsers for generic formats (INI, Delimited, etc.) should contain little or no rewrite rules.

Distribution Handling

When distributions vary in the way they configure various things, such as runlevels and network settings, separate parsers will exist for each distribution. The parsers will be different from each other, but their output will follow the same format, and in this way the end-user will not need to know the details of a particular distribution.

The only time a user will need to be concerned with the details of a particular distribution is when incorporating a new aspect of configuration. This is because when you add a new configuration, you must select what parser to run to get that configuration. (Remember that parsers will vary from one distribution to another.) However, once the parser is selected, the configuration can be manipulated without knowing what file format it is, what files it uses, and what parsers are being run.

For example, you have a GUI client of Config4GNU running and you want to use it to configure your system's runlevels. You select the File menu and choose New Configuration. You will see a dialog with a list of parsers. In this dialog, you will find a group of parsers for your distribution (e.g. Gentoo) and in this group you find a Runlevels parser. Select this parser and you will see the runlevel configuration appear in the client. At this point you can configure runlevels just like runlevels on any distribution.

If the new configuration was created inside another document, the parser you select, as well as any parameters you enter to customize the behavior of the parser, will be saved inside this "parent" document. In this way, you really do not need to remember the details of your distribution. In fact, if each distribution provides a configuration document that contains entries for every node of configuration and what parser to use for each, the end-user never has to manipulate new configurations at all.

You may wonder why we are so concerned about what distribution a user is using, and why knowing the differences between distributions is so important. Distributions tend to configure various features uniquely and modificy application behaviors to suit their customers best. One of the most prevelant things distributions do to customize software is change the location of their configuration files--a very important factor when considering configuration software, such as Config4GNU.

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